Futrli Ideas Portal

Increase number of tabs in Master Sheet [upload] or have multiple Master Sheets available for upload

I use all 10 tabs available for handling different departmental payroll [i know in future, Futrli will allow forecasting by [Xero] Tracking categories.

  • Guest
  • Apr 11 2023
  • Not in our plans for now
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Susanne Clark commented
    June 09, 2023 09:50

    We are currently in the planning stage of bringing the beta feature of google sheets into our app, having better templates that are richer feature wise, more stable and allow excel import, freestyle typing and possibly other forms of import of figures. Once that is done it will sort out your issue of tab limitations.

    Tracking is already in planning, so will not be too long in the future before release.